School News

Our Gender Support Approach and Why It Matters

Courtney Quinn, Board Chair
For many in our Fayerweather community, a space in which you can be your whole self is a lifeline. Trans and nonbinary kids and their families have been subject to extraordinary pressure, hostility, and violence in this country. If you have never had to defend your identity or had the validity of your sense of self questioned or attacked, you can only begin to imagine the toll that this takes.

When the Board of Directors voted to approve Fayerweather’s approach to gender support in February of this year, we did so proudly. The guidelines that the school articulated were the product of thoughtful, deeply considered, and evidence-based work by our school’s Gender Support Team, and we were confident they were both sound and beautifully consistent with our newly adopted mission
For many in our Fayerweather community, a space in which you can be your whole self is a lifeline. Trans and nonbinary kids and their families have been subject to extraordinary pressure, hostility, and violence in this country. If you have never had to defend your identity or had the validity of your sense of self questioned or attacked, you can only begin to imagine the toll that this takes.
Many families come to Fayerweather specifically because they are looking for a school that respects and honors a wide range of gender identities and expressions, and we’re proud that our mission and values have made us a place of safety, support, and loving acceptance for those families.

A mission-driven organization is a remarkable thing - and at times can feel like a fragile one. We don’t bring people together through a profit motive or family ties or civic mandate. We come together bound by an idea - a mission, defining our purpose, our reason to exist. Even in a mission-driven organization, it’s inevitable that we will disagree about the best way to achieve our mission - what curriculum, what policies, what books and music and art and history. We cannot expect unanimity of opinion. We insist, however, on our common humanity being treated with respect and dignity.

Every day, but especially right now, we all share in the collective responsibility to live our mission and values in our community. The Board, School Leadership Team, Kim, and I feel that responsibility deeply. I’ve heard from so many of you how deeply you feel it, too. 

We will have more opportunity to reflect together on our mission, our values, and our commitments to one another in the coming weeks. I thank you for your continued demonstrated dedication to this extraordinary school - this joyful and collaborative learning community, this space that honors every student’s unique story. 
Fayerweather Street School | 765 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617-876-4746
Fayerweather is a private PreK, kindergarten, elementary and middle school. We engage each child’s intellect.