Three, four and five-year-olds are explorers. Their enthusiasm and curiosity about the world around them drive much of the learning in our early childhood program. These years are formative in helping children learn to be part of a group, understand systems and routines of school life and gain a sense of themselves as learners. Emphasis is placed on social development, personal responsibility and empathy. Our approach to learning and curriculum is designed to meet the needs of the children’s developing minds and bodies and to help them feel successful while experiencing the joy and fun in learning.
Themes are constructed around the children’s interests, as they explore aspects of themselves, their family and the world around them. Routines of the day are structured to allow children to freely explore and expand their interests. Time is also allotted to work on specific tasks to learn, reinforce and expand concepts. There is a balance between individual, small and large group activities. Partnerships between home and school are essential aspects of the PreK and Kindergarten program.
Although we have separated out the various parts of class curricula for clarity, they are embedded within a web that is the whole classroom experience. Much of the day in PreK and Kindergarten is organized to provide students with the opportunity to make their own choices about activities. We believe in a curriculum that allows children the opportunity to play, explore, question, make choices, make mistakes and be problem solvers. We honor the pace of childhood, recognizing and celebrating individuals as an essential part of building a group identity.