School News

Postal Pals: FSS Kindergarten Post Office Welcomes Your Letters

The Kindergarten Postal Service
Dear FSS Community, 
The Kindergarten Post Office is now open!  We welcome you to be part of this long-standing Fayerweather tradition and encourage you to write letters to your children, their friends, teachers, or staff!  
PreK & K parents: If you write a letter to someone at school, you can pop it in the blue mailbox outside the front door of the school.  
First grade+ parents: If you write a letter to someone at school, you can either ask your child to  mail it for you, or hand it to a staff member from the pickup line at pickup time and they will mail it in a mailbox in the building.
Grandparents/friends/family further away: We are pleased to announce that we will work in collaboration with the USPS to deliver any mail sent to teachers/students from further away!  It would be extremely helpful to include the recipients school zipcode in their address (on the name line)!

Questions? Email the Postmasters: Tara, Julie, or Sean. 
    • Post Office

Fayerweather Street School | 765 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617-876-4746
Fayerweather is a private PreK, kindergarten, elementary and middle school. We engage each child’s intellect.