School News

Meet the Assistant Head of School

Andrew Lee
Dear Fayerweather Community,

My name is Andrew Lee and I am the new Assistant Head of School at Fayerweather. Over the course of 15 years in education, I have served as a teacher, Chief DEI Officer, and Chief Academic Officer. I am thrilled to bring my unique story to Fayerweather and to honor the unique story of every student by working with our teachers to fully know each child through affirming, motivating, and inspiring.
In my short time here so far, I have felt the sounds, sights, and love in the Fayerweather community. I’ve listened to joyful singing and contemplative deliberating about the issues of our time. I’ve seen students present original ideas and wrestle through ideas to “aha” moments when their eyes sparkle with joy in learning. And I’ve felt a deep welcome and connection with parents and caregivers and staff. The heart of Fayerweather has drawn me in.

I also resonate deeply with the mind of Fayerweather: progressive education. Fully knowing each child is at the core of our school’s philosophy of education, and my priority is to build the relationships and routines that facilitate students feeling fully known. In a building where school life is lived by more than 200 human beings every day, we are intentional about establishing and innovating systems that create a sense of belonging and growth for every student in classes, community gatherings, events, and the spaces in between. Progressive education at Fayerweather is about guiding and nurturing each student as they grow intellectually, creatively, and socially. We are building the skills and sense of agency for every child to engage in the themes and issues that surround them; or as Paolo Freire said, to read the word and read the world.

I look forward to partnering with parents and caregivers in this complex, meaningful, powerful work of honoring every student’s unique story.
    • Andrew Lee, Assistant Head of School

Fayerweather Street School | 765 Concord Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 | 617-876-4746
Fayerweather is a private PreK, kindergarten, elementary and middle school. We engage each child’s intellect.